Extractor Fan Not Working

Please ensure the isolator switch is on and there is nothing blocking the fan. If after trying the these simple steps, the issue still exists, report the issue through this system.

Shower or Sink Blocked

If you believe your shower or sink is blocked, in the first instance please ensure you use a strong drain / toilet un-blocker If after trying the above, the issue still exists, report the issue through this system. Please note if the blockage is found to be from any...

Shower Not Working

If you shower is not working, Please ensure the shower pull cord is on. If after trying the above, the issue still exists, report the issue through this system

Toilet Blocked

If you believe your toilet is blocked, in the first instance please ensure you use a strong drain / toilet un-blocker If after trying the above, the issue still exists, report the issue through this system and contact us by telephone. Please note if the blockage is...


If you are experiencing issues with mold around your shower, bath or sinks please follow the below video to resolve. If after trying the below video, the issue still exists, report the issue through this system.